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Monday, November 14, 2011

Coup by financial oligarchs in Eurozone?

'EU is showing its true nature as a dictatorship'

 Uploaded by NeedToAwaken on 12 Nov 2011 - This is a time of upheaval for the EU, with both the Greek and Italian PMs giving up their posts. The Paris Institute's John Laughland says that this undemocratic transfer of power is not going to save the euro. Laughland told RT that the people who have assumed power in Greece and are shortly to take the helm in Italy have never been elected. "These are men who have made their entire careers through garnering important appointments in places like the European Commission or European Central Bank. They have no democratic mandate at all," he argues. 

"What is so frightening about what is happening now, as the European Union and the euro enter their death agonies, is the way in which the European Union is showing its true nature as a dictatorship." After all, it is the euro that has effectively commanded these two prime ministers to leave office, not the people, says Laughland. "Papandreou had to leave office the moment he suggested the referendum on the debt package. Berlusconi had to leave office the moment he said that Italians had become poorer under the euro," Laughland recalls.